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Lincoln - 8 Bay Quarter Horse Gelding

Basic Info

Number:#  Lincoln
Price: $400   
StatusSold on 9/7/2013Shauna
Date Available9/4/2013 to 9/11/2013
Age/Color/Gender8 Years(Range)  /  Bay  /  Gelding
Breed(s)Quarter Horse  
More Info:http://.auctionhorses.net/thread/11363/lincoln-8yr-bay-gelding-400
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Lincoln is such a sweet gelding who is very easy to handle and has a mellow disposition. He is underweight but is in otherwise good condition. He appears to be healthy and did not display any soundness issues. He did have an abscess in his rear hoof that was treated by the previous owners and has not seemed to cause him any further issue. He is said to have been a trail horse and he was ridden at the feedlot bareback by a beginner rider with just a halter and lead. He did very well and was very patient with his rider. Lincoln stands about 15'1hh and is guessed to be about 7-8 years old. Pictures of his teeth have been provided to make your own judgment. *Update 9/5/13 Lincoln has an injury that has resulted in lameness. It's hard to say if this lameness is temporary or going to be a permanent issue. Heat and swelling were present. Photo provided.

Purchasing Information

Deadline: 9/11/13
Location: Sunnyside, WA
Contact: Sabrina | info@auctionhorses.org | 206-250-5115

Additional Photos