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New Kitty - 22 Bay Quarter Horse Mare

Basic Info

Number:#  New Kitty
Price: $700   
StatusSold on 10/6/2016Marla
Date Available8/25/2016 to 8/31/2016
Age/Color/Gender22 Years  /  Bay  /  Mare
Breed(s)Quarter Horse  
RegistrationRegistered as "CAT HOUSE CHEX " with AQHA - Papers Available

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Papers and transfer are in order. New Kitty has been used as a broodmare in the past but was sent to training when she was 3 years old. She is very gentle on the ground, said to be an easy keeper, and gets along great with the other horses. Her right eye is cloudy and she doesn't see very well in that eye. She was sold as sund and appears to be sound and in good condition. They said she has not foundered, or had any other problems with her feet. She's a gorgeous mare in person and stands 15'3hh. She was wormed in April. New Kitty was sold due to a herd reduction, and through no fault of her own.

Purchasing Information

Location: Sunnyside, WA
Contact: Sabrina 206-250-5115
Deadline 8/31/16

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